Welcome to the final lap of your pregnancy journey – the third trimester. This period, spanning from week 29 to the birth of your baby, is a time of significant growth and anticipation. As your baby continues to grow and your body prepares for childbirth, you may experience new symptoms and emotions.

This comprehensive guide aims to help you understand and navigate the changes during this crucial phase, ensuring a healthy and comfortable journey toward motherhood.
When Does the Third Trimester Start?
The third trimester starts at week 29 of pregnancy and lasts until you give birth, which is typically around week 40. This is a period of rapid growth for your baby, and you may start to feel more uncomfortable as your body makes room for your growing baby. It’s also a time when you’ll be seeing your doctor more frequently to monitor your pregnancy and prepare for the birth of your baby. This trimester is a crucial time for your baby’s development, as vital organs like the brain and lungs continue to mature.
What Changes Can You Expect in Your Body?

As you enter the third trimester, your body continues to undergo significant changes to accommodate your growing baby. You may experience increased weight gain, changes in your posture, and various pregnancy symptoms such as backache, heartburn, and shortness of breath. It’s also common to experience Braxton Hicks contractions, which are often referred to as “practice contractions” and are a normal part of pregnancy. Your belly will continue to expand as your baby grows, and you might notice stretch marks on your abdomen, hips, and breasts. You may also experience swelling in your feet and ankles due to increased fluid retention.
What Are the Common Symptoms of the Third Trimester?
The third trimester brings a new set of symptoms. You may feel more uncomfortable as your baby grows and moves around. Common symptoms include backache, heartburn, swelling in the feet and ankles, trouble sleeping, and frequent urination. You might also notice Braxton Hicks contractions becoming more frequent. These are your body’s way of preparing for labor. As your body prepares for childbirth, you may also experience changes in your cervix, increased vaginal discharge, and an urge to nest or prepare your home for the baby.
How Does Your Baby Develop During the Third Trimester?
During the third trimester, your baby undergoes significant development and growth. Let’s explore this on a week-by-week basis:
Week 28: Your baby’s eyes can open and close and sense changes in light. The lungs are developing, but not fully matured yet.
Week 29: Your baby’s muscles and lungs continue to mature. They start to move and kick more frequently as they grow stronger.
Week 30: Your baby’s brain is growing rapidly, and the baby can now regulate their own body temperature.
Week 31: Your baby starts to gain more weight, and their layers of fat are filling out.
Week 32: Your baby’s bones are fully formed but still soft. They’re also practicing breathing movements.
Week 33: Your baby’s skin is becoming smoother as they continue to gain weight. Their immune system is developing to fight off germs.
Week 34: Your baby’s fingernails have reached the ends of their fingers. They can now recognize and react to simple songs if you’ve been singing to them.
Week 35: Your baby’s kidneys are fully developed, and their liver can process some waste products.
Week 36: Your baby is shedding most of the downy hair that covered their body, as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that protected their skin during their nine-month amniotic bath.
Week 37: Your baby is considered early term. They’re getting ready to meet you: Most babies position themselves head-down for birth.
Week 38: Your baby’s organs are ready to function on their own. They’re gaining weight and getting ready for birth.
Week 39: Your baby’s chest is becoming more prominent, preparing for breathing after birth. Their grasp becomes firm.
Week 40: Your baby is considered full-term. All their organs are ready to function outside the womb. They continue to build a layer of fat to help control their body temperature after birth.
Remember, every baby develops at their own pace. This guide provides a general idea of how your baby grows during the third trimester.
What Should Be on Your Third Trimester Checklist?
The third trimester is a good time to start finalizing preparations for your baby’s arrival. This includes setting up the nursery, packing a hospital bag, installing the car seat, and discussing your birth plan with your healthcare provider. It’s also worthwhile to self-educate about childbirth if you haven’t already started. Even in the absence of formal classes, you can gather valuable knowledge about the labor process, pain management techniques, and newborn care. There are numerous resources available online and in books to guide you through this learning process.
What Can You Expect During the Third Trimester Doctor Visits?

During the third trimester, your doctor visits will become more frequent. You’ll have check-ups every two weeks from 29 weeks, and then every week from 36 weeks. These visits allow your doctor to monitor your health and your baby’s development. You may have additional tests to check your baby’s health and position. These could include ultrasound scans, blood tests, and glucose screening tests. It’s also a time when your doctor will discuss your birth plan and any concerns or questions you may have about labor and delivery.
How to Prepare for Childbirth?
Preparation for childbirth during the third trimester involves both physical and mental preparation. This includes understanding the stages of labor, learning pain management techniques, and knowing when to call your doctor. It’s also a good idea to discuss your birth plan with your healthcare provider. You might also want to explore different birthing positions and relaxation techniques to help you during labor.
What Are the Signs of Labor?
As your due date nears, it’s important to know the signs of labor. These include regular contractions, water breaking, and a bloody show. If you experience any of these signs, it’s time to call your doctor. Contractions that increase in strength and frequency, a sudden gush or slow leak of fluid from your vagina, or a pink or brownish discharge could all be signs that labor is starting.
How to Take Care of Your Health During the Third Trimester?
Taking care of your health during the third trimester involves eating a balanced diet, staying active, getting plenty of rest, and staying hydrated. It’s also important to continue taking your prenatal vitamins and attend all your prenatal appointments. Regular exercise can help alleviate common pregnancy discomforts and prepare your body for labor and delivery. However, it’s important to discuss your exercise routine with your doctor to ensure it’s safe for you and your baby.
Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and your experience may differ from what is described here. Always consult with your doctor if you have any concerns or questions. As you navigate the home stretch of your pregnancy journey, know that every discomfort and challenge is bringing you one step closer to meeting your little one.
For more information on pregnancy, check out our guide on understanding the early signs of pregnancy, and learn about pregnancy tests. You can also explore our guide to pregnancy trimesters and debunk common pregnancy myths. If you have questions about taking medicines when pregnant or how to boost your baby’s health with prenatal vitamins, we have you covered.
Key Takeaways
1. The third trimester, spanning from week 29 to birth, is a period of rapid growth and development for your baby.
2. Regular prenatal visits are crucial during this period to monitor your baby’s health and your own.
3. You may experience various symptoms such as Braxton Hicks contractions, backaches, and swelling.
4. Your baby undergoes significant development each week, from practicing breathing movements to gaining weight.
5. Preparing for childbirth, such as creating a birth plan and attending childbirth classes, is essential during the third trimester.
The third trimester is an exciting, albeit challenging, time as you approach the end of your pregnancy journey. It’s a period of significant growth and development for your baby and a time of physical and emotional preparation for you. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and while the symptoms and experiences may vary, the end result is a beautiful new addition to your family. Stay in regular contact with your doctor, take care of your health, and prepare for the arrival of your little one.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What changes can I expect in my body during the third trimester of pregnancy?
During the third trimester, you may experience changes such as weight gain, backaches, swelling, and Braxton Hicks contractions. Your uterus continues to expand, accommodating your growing baby.
When does the third trimester start?
The third trimester starts from the 29th week of pregnancy and lasts until you give birth, typically around 40 weeks.
What is the weight gain expectation during the third trimester?
Weight gain varies for each individual. However, it’s common to gain around 1 pound per week during the third trimester. Always consult with your doctor about what’s healthy for you.
How does my baby develop during the third trimester?
In the third trimester, your baby undergoes significant development, from practicing breathing movements to gaining weight. By the end of this stage, all their organs are ready to function outside the womb.
What are some common symptoms in the third trimester?
Common symptoms include backache, shortness of breath, heartburn, swelling of the ankles, fingers, and face, and trouble sleeping. You may also experience Braxton Hicks contractions.
What should I discuss with my doctor during third trimester prenatal visits?
Discuss any symptoms you’re experiencing, your birth plan and any concerns about labor and delivery. Your doctor will also monitor your baby’s position and growth.
How should I prepare for childbirth during the third trimester?
Preparing for childbirth includes creating a birth plan, attending childbirth classes, and setting up your baby’s gear. It’s also a good idea to pack a hospital bag as your due date nears.
What happens in the last few weeks of pregnancy?
In the last few weeks, your baby is considered full-term. You may have more frequent prenatal visits, and your doctor will check for signs of labor.
What are the signs that labor will start?
Signs of labor include regular contractions, water breaking, and a bloody mucus discharge. If you experience any of these signs, contact your healthcare provider immediately.
How does the third trimester mark the home stretch of pregnancy?
The third trimester is the final stage of pregnancy, marking the home stretch before your baby arrives. It’s a time of final growth for your baby and physical preparation for you.