As an expectant parent, every sensation, every change, and every symptom may leave you wondering: “Is this it? Am I going into labor?” The onset of labor is a pivotal moment, marking the end of your pregnancy journey and the beginning of a new life with your baby. However, determining if labor is just hours away can be somewhat tricky, especially for first-time parents.
This article will help you learn the signs of labor, distinguish between true labor and false labor, and understand when labor is near. We will delve into the early signs of labor such as contractions, changes in the cervix, and other subtle hints your body may give you. Knowing these signs can help you feel more prepared, confident, and ready for the birth of your baby. So, is it a false alarm or are you just a few hours away from meeting your little one? Let’s find out.
Contractions: A Sign of Labor?
One of the most common early signs of labor is contractions. But how can you tell the difference between true labor contractions and Braxton Hicks contractions, often referred to as false labor? True labor contractions are regular, increase in intensity, and do not alleviate with a change in activity or position. They start in the back and move to the front of your abdomen. If you notice contractions that seem to follow a pattern or get stronger and closer together, you might be going into labor.
However, if your contractions are irregular and stop with movement or change in position, these are probably Braxton Hicks contractions, which are your body’s way of preparing for the actual labor. A great way to understand these nuances is by reading our guide on the Stages of Labor and Delivery.
Changes in the Cervix: An Early Sign of Labour?
Another significant indicator of labor is changes in the cervix. As your body prepares for labor, your cervix starts to thin out and dilate to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal. This is a process known as effacement and dilation. You may not feel this happening, but your doctor will notice these changes during your regular check-ups. It’s an important part of the pregnancy journey.
Losing the Mucus Plug: What Does it Mean?
The mucus plug, a protective barrier that seals the cervical canal during pregnancy to protect the baby from infection, often dislodges a few days or weeks before labor. This is often accompanied by a “bloody show,” which is a discharge of mucus and blood. However, losing the mucus plug doesn’t necessarily mean labor is imminent, as it can regenerate. If you notice this sign, it’s advisable to inform your doctor right away to determine if it’s time for labor soon. Learn more about what happens during this last phase of pregnancy in our article about navigating the third trimester of pregnancy.
Water Breaking: A Surefire Sign that Labor is Near?

When the amniotic sac ruptures and releases the fluid that surrounds and protects your baby during pregnancy, it is commonly referred to as water breaking. This event is a clear sign that labor is near, possibly within 24 to 48 hours. However, it’s important to note that labor doesn’t always start immediately after your water breaks. In some cases, labor may not begin on its own, and medical intervention might be necessary to ensure the safety of the mother and baby. If you suspect your water has broken, contact your doctor right away.
Nesting Instinct: An Emotional Signal of Labor’s Onset?
The nesting instinct, a strong desire to prepare your home for your new baby, may intensify as you get closer to your due date. This surge of energy and focus is common and is often considered an emotional sign that labor is near. However, not every woman experiences this instinct, and that’s completely okay. Whether you’re rearranging furniture or packing your hospital bag, remember that every labor experience is unique. Don’t worry if your experiences don’t match common descriptions perfectly. If you want to know more about how to prepare for your new arrival, take a look at our guide to preparing for baby.
The Baby Drops: A Sign that Labor is Hours Away?
When your baby “drops”, it means they have moved lower into your pelvis, a process known as lightening or engagement. This is often more noticeable in women having their first baby. This shift is indeed a sign that labor is imminent, although it might still be a few days or even weeks away. After the baby drops, you may notice a change in your bump’s shape and ease of breathing as the baby is no longer pressing against your diaphragm. However, you might experience more pressure on your bladder, leading to frequent urination. To learn more about baby development, check out our comprehensive guide on baby development during pregnancy.
Back Pain and Lower Abdominal Pressure: Signs of Labor or Normal Discomforts?

Many pregnant women experience back pain and lower abdominal pressure in the days leading up to labor. This is often due to the baby descending lower into the pelvis in preparation for birth. However, these symptoms can also be a part of normal pregnancy discomforts. The key difference is that labor-related back pain and abdominal pressure are often accompanied by regular contractions. It’s always a good idea to contact your healthcare provider if you experience these symptoms, especially if they’re severe or accompanied by other signs of labor. For further information on discomforts during pregnancy, check out our guide to the top 21 discomforts during pregnancy.
Frequent Urge to Urinate: A Sign of Labor Soon?
Increased pressure on your bladder from your baby dropping into your pelvis can result in a more frequent urge to urinate. While this is often a sign of labor approaching, it is also a common symptom throughout pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. It’s always essential to listen to your body and contact your healthcare provider if you notice any significant changes in your urinary pattern or other signs of labor.
Diarrhea: An Unusual Sign of Labor?
As your body prepares for labor, you may experience loose stools or diarrhea. This is because your muscles, including those in your intestines, are loosening in preparation for childbirth. While it can be an early sign of labor, it’s essential to stay hydrated and rest as much as possible. If you’re concerned about any symptoms you’re experiencing, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor.
Increased Braxton Hicks Contractions: A Sign of Labor or Just False Alarm?
Braxton Hicks contractions, often referred to as “practice contractions,” become more frequent as you approach your due date. However, if you notice an increase in their intensity and regularity, it might be a sign of the early stage of labor. The difference between Braxton Hicks and true labor contractions lies in their consistency and progression. True labor contractions don’t ease up with movement or hydration and gradually become more regular, longer, and stronger.
When to Contact Your Doctor – Recognizing the Urgency
While it’s exciting to witness these signs of labor, it’s also essential to understand when to reach out to your healthcare provider. Your doctor should be contacted:
- If your contractions are regular and increasing in frequency and intensity, especially if they occur every five minutes for an hour.
- When you experience “water breaking,” or a steady leak of fluid that could indicate your amniotic sac has ruptured.
- If you notice any change in your baby’s movements, like a significant decrease in activity.
- When you see blood or bright red discharge, which could be the “bloody show,” but could also indicate a problem if it’s heavy or continuous.
- If you experience severe or persistent back pain, abdominal pain, or cramping, which could indicate labor or other complications.
Key Takeaways
Signs of labor include regular contractions, water breaking, the baby dropping, and increased pressure on your bladder leading to frequent urination.
Other subtle signs of labor can include a change in vaginal discharge, diarrhea, and an uptick in Braxton Hicks contractions.
While these signs can indicate that labor is near, every woman’s experience is different, and these signs can occur days or even weeks before actual labor starts.
Always trust your instincts. If you feel something is off or if your symptoms significantly change, don’t hesitate to contact your healthcare provider.
Final Thoughts
Understanding and recognizing the early signs of labor can make your journey toward motherhood less anxiety-inducing and more exciting. Every woman’s body is unique, and so is every birthing experience. The signs of labor can vary greatly from one expectant mother to another. It’s crucial to stay tuned into your body, pay attention to its signals, and consult your doctor whenever in doubt. Remember, these signs are your body’s way of preparing you for one of the most significant moments of your life – the arrival of your new baby.
In the end, it’s essential to stay patient and relaxed. Labor is a natural process that your body is inherently designed to undertake. Embrace this transformative period, trust your body’s instinct, and remain informed about your pregnancy. You are on the brink of meeting your baby for the first time, a moment that will be worth all the anticipation and patience. So hold on to the joy of that expectation and look forward to the beautiful journey of motherhood that awaits you beyond labor and delivery.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the early signs of labor?
The early signs of labor include contractions, a change in cervical mucus, increased back pain, and the baby dropping. Other indicators include losing the mucus plug, water breaking, and a frequent urge to urinate.
How do I distinguish between true labor and false labor?
True labor contractions are regular, increase in intensity, and persist regardless of activity. False labor, also known as Braxton Hicks contractions, are irregular, cease with rest or change in activity, and are usually less intense.
What does ‘water breaking’ signify in the context of labor?
Water breaking refers to the rupture of the amniotic sac, resulting in the leakage of amniotic fluid. This is a sure sign that labor is imminent, and medical attention should be sought immediately.
Are there any physical signs that labor is near?
Yes, several physical signs indicate labor is near, such as the baby dropping, an increase in Braxton Hicks contractions, and a change in vaginal discharge. Other signs include nesting instinct and experiencing lower back pain and a frequent urge to urinate.
How early can the signs of labor appear before the actual labor starts?
The signs of labor can appear as early as a few weeks before actual labor starts or as late as a few hours before. Every woman’s body is different, so the timeline varies.
When should I contact my doctor when I think I’m going into labor?
Contact your doctor if you experience regular and increasing contractions, severe pain, any bleeding, or if your water breaks. It’s essential to know the difference between true labor and false labor, and when in doubt, always reach out to your healthcare provider.